HR & Payroll Solutions

HR & Payroll Solution



  • 100k + hours of project work
  • Developed and maintained more than 5+ different client applications (including development, product support, testing, infrastructure set up)
  • 80% of unit test coverage
  • Establishment of a continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelineNew Paragraph

Project Overview:

We've worked with a renowned Australian company offering a broad spectrum of products, including payroll and people management, onboarding, learning, and performance management systems. Tasked with enhancing their product suite, our development team, comprising over 50 specialized members, collaborated with the company's  R&D and business units to meet the challenges head-on and deliver effective solutions.

Industry: HR

Location: Australia

Duration: 2018 - Ongoing

Team: 50+ members

Tech Stack

Vue.js , Node.js , C# , AWS CodeDeploy,

AWS CloudFormation, React , Jenkins,

PHP , Symfony


Web development,
QA manual testing + automation E2E testing
DevOps (setting up infrastructure, deploy and testing pipelines etc).
Product ownership

Model of cooperation

Extended team

The Challenge

  • Integrating disparate standalone modules to guarantee an excellent user experience.
  • Refactoring legacy code to optimize performance and maintainability.
  • Refreshing the frontend of existing applications for an improved, modern aesthetic.
  • Transitioning monolithic web applications to a more scalable and flexible microservices architecture.
  • Automating, synchronizing, and systematizing release pipelines for a smoother deployment process.
  • Ensuring comprehensive code coverage with unit and integration tests.
  • Developing innovative features while maintaining and updating the existing ones.
  • Integrating our development teams seamlessly into the existing customer teams and establishing a flawless project delivery mechanism across the board.

The Solution

We worked in sync with existing R&D and business teams, managing a combined workforce of over 70 individuals spread across multiple teams. Our collaboration ensured streamlined project execution.

Our team expedited the software development process - developing new features, maintaining the code base, supporting legacy code, rewriting legacy to modern solution, providing other tech solutions, orchestrating development of multiple streams of software deliverables.

To improve code quality and application stability, we implemented an end-to-end (E2E) testing and release pipeline. Unit testing was also a part of the solution.

We established a CI/CD pipeline for the project, enabling cloud deployments, software releases, and easy server maintenance.

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